The iGeom is packed in one file, requiring a Java interpreter (JVM) to be used.
It can be used in it's applicative format or as an applet.
If you already have the Java, you must download only the archive iGeom.jar.
If you haven't yet the Java, you can try to install iGeom from its automatic installer following
this link.
Using as applicative
In the applicative ("stand-alone") version iGeom could save files in several formats (constructions, scripts,...)
In order to use this version, it is necessary to have in your computer the so called Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
If you don\'t know if your computer has a JVM, you can try:
try first to give a "double click" on the iGeom.jar icon, if the igeom is opened, besides yor computer already have the MVJ,
it also have the association between the archives with extension JAR;
if iGeom wasn't opened, you could open a console (shell or "prompt") and write in it java .
If the system's answer is something like java: command not found, it means that must install a JVM, that is
free of charge and can be downloaded from the Web, for instance
clicking here.
It is also possible to get a JVM, downloading the iGeom version that brings Java.
After installed a Java Virtual Machine, it is possible to open an iGeom file (*.geo) with
a command line simitar to:
java -jar iGeom.jar nome_arquivo.geo lang=en
If you want to use iGeom under another language, change the final instruction in the above command: lang=pt or lang=es, ie,
java -jar iGeom.jar nome_arquivo.geo lang=pt
to Portuguese version
java -jar iGeom.jar nome_arquivo.geo lang=es
to Spanish version
Using inside a Web browser (applet)
In order to run iGeom, inside your browser (as an applet), it is necessary to have the Java plugin enabled.
You can check if your browser already has Java enabled with the example in bottom page. It is suposed to
appears iGeom, otherwise:
If your browser presents (something like) a gray or white box, insteade iGeom, it means that your Java plugin isn't enabled or
it is missing:
if the browser presents nothing but some lines with no text, it indicates that Java is not enabled,
therefore you must turn it on change it using the preferences menu.
if the browser presents a message similar to "missing plugin", you must install Java plugin:
if the browser presents a link, follow it;
otherwise choose one of the bellow links
if you are under Linux system
click here and choose one Java version;
if you are under Windowsclick here and choose one Java version;
others operational systems or if you are interested in some other Java version of Sun, try
this link or
In order to use the applet version of iGeom, put the iGeom.jar file
in the same directory as the HTML file. The HTML must use one of the following segment of code.
Using a deprecated HTML codification, you can load iGeomapplet with:
If you want to use iGeomapplet in other language, you must modify the parameter value of the tag lang.
Nowadays you can use, instead of lang=en, the values:
pt for a Portuguese version; or
es for a Spanish version.
Example: in above, the iGeomapplet, must appears
Special parameters for the iGeomapplet
In this section some parameters are presented in order to use iGeom in Web pages.
The main parameter (actually, more than one option) is those that allows to present a previously archived construction,
for example, to present an exercise to the user-apprentice could tries to solve it.
A parameter of the HTML is a "command" that allows to pass data to an applet.
This "command" is called by a tag and it has basically 2 attributes: the name of the command (name) and a value (value).
To know a little more about the applet tag, you can consult the pages of consortium
Some of the parameters used by iGeom differentiate capital from small letters, as the parameter SOH_ADD.
igeom, igeom_arq, MA_PARAM_Proposition or paramGabarito
There are 4 differents parameters to load an iGeom file (files with extension geo), inside an Web page:
The parameter value for all them is the content of a geo file. An iGeom file must has as
the first line: # igeom:!.
Attention, for a correct presentation of an iGeom file in a Web page, do not use quotations marks (")
inside some text or object label (if you are using the above format).
If it is really required, you must change the tag delimiters, from quotations marks to apostrophe, that is,
change the first option to the following
but, in this case, your file couldn't have apostrophe inside any text or object label.
If your GEO file were saved as an exercise, this problem disappear, since there is a special codification
in this case, a cryptographic process that change all the characters in a hexadecimal base.
This parameter is used to present iGeom without any buttons' bar, using just de movement option.
To get this option the parameter value must be ADD, with capitals letters. For instance,
if you use the value Add, the iGeom will be loaded as usual, with its buttons' bars.
Therefore, to present some iGeom construction, using just the drawing are, use the above line:
<param name="SOH_ADD" value="ADD">
These parameters allow that a Web page brings an scripts associated
with one of the script's buttons, respectively,
The form is showed bellow:
<param name="BOTAOSCR1" value="...content of an SCR file ...">
ABAS, ABAN and ABA_IGEOMN, where N is a natural number
(0, 1, 2...).
These parameters allow that a Web page brings the iGeom with multiply tabs.
To use this option, the parameter ABAS must have the value permite (a single change of any character
means the iGeom will be presented with a single tab).
<!-- To tabs: must set the permition to use tabs (ABAS)
- if the content is an exercise => this option is blocked (by "security" reason)
- if there is a unique GEO content => will be presented in a single tab
- if a name of tab N is present and a content for tab K (K<>N) => multiply tabs will be used
<param name="ABAS" value="permite"> <!-- allow multiply tabs in applet -->
<param name="ABA0" value="exercício"> <!-- aba 0: name for the first tab -->
<param name="ABA1" value="rascunho"> <!-- aba 1: name for the second tab -->
<param name="ABA_IGEOM0" value="...GEO..."> <!-- aba 0: content (GEO) for the first tab -->
<param name="ABA_IGEOM1" value="..GEO..."> <!-- aba 1: content (GEO) for the second tab -->
These parameters is required only when iGeom is associated with a Web server prepared to receive the
solution of an exercise, this means that it must be used under an
LMS, like
The parameter, with value 1, indicates that the answer to be sent to server is an script, not a construction.
In this case, the button used to send the script is the communication button.
<param name="TIPO_SCRIPT" value="1"> <!-- indicate an "script" exercise -->